te9b6npA8M8, SEO Agency News – AMP updates, Google Shopping Feed Updates, Secure Browsing, • AMP Snippets on Mobile: http://searchengineland.com/google-officially-adds-amp-based-featured-snippets-mobile-search-results-282005
• Search Console invites beta users to new interface: http://searchengineland.com/google-invited-beta-testers-new-google-search-console-282171
• Unified AMP cache and non AMP pages: http://searchengineland.com/google-amp-cache-unified-users-analytics-282069
• AMP Adwords Landing Pages rolling out globally: http://searchengineland.com/adwords-amp-landing-pages-rolling-out-globally-282206
• Instant answers in Google iOS app: http://searchengineland.com/google-adds-trending-searches-instant-answers-ios-app-281854
• Impression share reporting for Google Shopping in new Adwords interface: https://adwords.googleblog.com/2017/08/new-reporting-to-show-how-often-your.html
• New Features for Hotel and Ticket Search: https://www.semrush.com/blog/google-news-digest-video-previews-in-serp-features-ads-in-local-knowledge-panel-and-youtubes-redesign/#header4
• Emails for non secure pages: https://www.semrush.com/blog/google-news-digest-video-previews-in-serp-features-ads-in-local-knowledge-panel-and-youtubes-redesign/#header8
• 4 to 8 sitelinks on mobile ads: https://www.semrush.com/blog/google-news-digest-video-previews-in-serp-features-ads-in-local-knowledge-panel-and-youtubes-redesign/#header16
If you are still calling mobile a second screen you’re dead wrong. Mobile is number 1,2 and 3 and Google knows it.
This week sees the introduction of AMP snippets in mobile – meaning that you can command all real estate above the fold if you’re featured.
Getting featured is not an exact science but normal rules apply
AMP friendly pages
Marked up with Schema
Content that is logically laid out with a list
And a butt ton of links pointing to it……probably
CTR is likely to be a big factor so make sure to check search console and optimize the hell out of those titles and descriptions.
AMP pages for Adwords
Advertisers can now drive adwords traffic to AMP pages.
In 2012 Amazon released a study that revealed that a 1 second delay in load time was worth £1.6 billion in lost revenue over the year.
I absolutely love speed – the site kind – not the class A narcotic kind. And welcome this feature for my mobile ads.
Mobile Ads Sitelinks
Also, a minor update to mobile carousel sitelinks – you can now add 8 instead of 4. So more products and categories can be surfaced.
When the biggest company in the world are stepping up their mobile ad game – you should really pay attention.
GA Updated
More AMP news.
GA has also updated to unify AMP cache pages and non AMP pages.
Previusly sessions were duplicated causing inflated numbers in GA, however, Google has now fixed this and has a dedicated area in GA for AMP.
This means you can track cross page vists as one.
Couple of warnings:
When implementing you will see a drop in sessions
It requires a code change – so go annoy your dev or get into tag manager and make the update
New Search Console Invites
Did you get an invite? Google has invited the SEO cool kids to the search console beta party. It’s testing new features with some big sites and aims to roll out the new version later in the year.
At Type A we didn’t get one. Didn’t even want one. I was busy that day anyway. I use Yandex webmaster tools anyway.
Impression Share Reporting in Google Shopping new Adwords
You’re in adwords and all of a sudden this new interface is pushed on you.
Better UX – ewww.
Nicer graphics – gross.
And more functionality- oh boy.
Just kidding – i just really struggle with major UX updates.
Adwords now gives you shopping feed impression share in the new interface only.
As a heavy user of shopping ads – I’m all over it. I can now see when my shopping ads are in the top spot and start to optimise the keywords and ads that are triggering it. More shopping analytics please.
New Features on Ticket and Hotel Search
Hotel and Flight checkers now allow you to see the best deals either side of your travel dates- presented in a mobile friendly calendar format.
I can imagine that big airline and OTA advertisers like Virgin, BA and Skyscanner ain’t going to be to happy with the way things are going.
First taking their ad money.
Then gating their traffic.
Now taking commissions on traffic flowing through their properties that are cloning more of the sites functionality.
Google sending emails to non secure pages
As announced earlier this year – Google will start showing all non secure pages as non secure in the browser. They have doubled down on communication with webmasters by emailing them to let them know this is happening
So if you got this email……your a bit of a dick. It’s 2017 why aren’t your pages secure. I bet you probably have a m. subdomain huh?
At the moment chrome and other browser only tell the user the page is non secure on form and payment pages but this will roll out to all page types in a matter of weeks.