1NtmB03lgJc, Project Newsroom is the Force Behind HubShout’s Featured News Service, Featured News is a whole new way to promote content for SEO resellers’ clients.
It starts with the onsite content and visual assets we create for your client’s website. We then use the facts, studies, blog posts, infographics, videos, etc., in your client’s onsite blog to support breaking news stories on real (third party) websites. Many of them are local news sites that report local news, as well as national and international news.
Project Newsroom is the operation run by our amazing team of go-getters in HubShout’s Rochester office. This is the team that orchestrates the Featured News product for our SEO resellers and their clients. Our Newsroom team designs fact and data-rich onsite blogs for our SEO resellers’ clients and maintains a database of clients’ onsite posts and blogs so they can link to them when the opportunity arises. And the opportunity to link clients’ onsite content arises frequently because many of our third party publishers rely on HubShout’s newsroom to write stories about the news of the day.
Then there’s the case of a breaking news story, like what you’ll see when you watch the video about the hurricane heading up the east coast. A DC news website needed a story and needed it fast–within the hour. The news team was on it and delivered that story on deadline–in less an hour. A SEO reseller’s client was referenced in the story because the client’s website had a fact based onsite post about impact resistant windows. That’s what we call the linkable asset. It was 100% editorially appropriate and the perfect combination of PR and SEO. SEO resellers’ clients love it!
For breaking Featured News stories, the Newsroom Team is tracking the time for each task from concept to live Featured News post. Currently, The average time is 93 minutes. The fastest time is 38 minutes!
One thing SEO resellers need to understand is that Featured News is not a “guest blog.” For the Featured News product, we don’t write an article and then do blog outreach or send the blog to a website that has agreed to publish our content. Guest blogs have an SEO purpose, yes. But that’s standard fare for SEO resellers. Featured News is not standard fare at all. No other SEO reseller has a comparable service or is set up to be able to create anything like it. This has been years in the making and was able to happen only because we have a team of professional US based writers and editors who all work together in one location.
Project Newsroom is staffed with a team of fierce, fearless, and impassioned writers, designers, developers and editors, all contributing to news-style content that none of our SEO competitors can come close to replicating. We couldn’t be more proud of our Featured News Product, our Newsroom Team, and the compliments and great reviews we’re getting from our SEO reseller partners.
We encourage all SEO agencies and providers to take a look at HubShout’s Featured News product and add it to your service offerings for 2016.